Head Lice - Help & Info for the Harried!
Just hearing the word lice can make your skin crawl. As a mother, the thought of them out there circulating the school systems – can make a girl paranoid! But why are so many families having to RID themselves of those tiny insects? The answer is all around us: Gymnastics mats; Football helmets; That cute scarf you tried on at the store; Headphones on an airplane; Perhaps the most common transmission of these bugs is through head-to-head touching, which is why it is no surprise that most cases are in children between the ages of 4 and 14. We are a communal people. Children, especially, feel a sense of relating the closer proximity they are to those they are interacting with. Each year, 6-12 million people are treated for head lice in the United States alone. Luckily, our salons have been working with children for over 15 years and now have a pretty good idea of how they can be prevented from entering your home.