When business is slow it can be a great opportunity to accomplish some things that you normally don't have time for. In our stores there is always something that can be accomplished. Here are some great ideas:
Read MoreCreating an atmosphere of fun in your business can go a long way in helping foster customer loyalty. And customer loyalty translates into increased sales - not only through repeat patrongage, but by your customers telling friends and family what a great experience they have at your business!
Read MoreIn the digital age, kids might be very tech-savvy when it comes to playing the latest game or using social media, but then suffer from a little social awkwardness when it comes to talking to their peers. From kids (and adults too!) who stare at their phones during a meal, to children who would rather text than talk to someone who might even be in the same room, it sometimes might seem as if people are forgetting the importance of having positive real-life interactions with others. And while it's certainly very worthwhile that kids know how to use technnology for creative expression and the accomplishing of important tasks, it's also of great importance to make sure kids succeed in life through developing great social skills!
Read MoreMarketing a Children's Hair Salon!
Written by Jim Otto
In the exciting world of Children's Hair Salons, building brand awareness can be an exciting challenge and another way to run a smarter business. Not only is it important to use clever eye-catching marketing techniques in the community (such as what we discussed in our article Gorilla Marketing Strategies and Erin Nanke's Marketing in Des Moines), but it's also important to engage your customers through having an online presence by developing - and maintaining - a website and social media content.
Read MoreKids Hairstyles: Mousse Vs Gel?
Written by Jim Otto