Creating an exciting email newsletter can be an affordable and easy way to communicate with your customers on a regular basis. And if done right, it's also a great way to build trust, generate excitement, and potentially encourage customers to frequently utilize the services your business provides. However, if an email newsletter isn't done properly, it might end up being an annoyance to your customer. So what do you do? Before you begin creating that Newsletter make sure you have included the following 4 "Musts" in your process!
1. Understanding Your Newsletter: Before you spend a lot of time creating an email newsletter, it's a good idea to develop a strategy on what you'd like to accomplish with a newsletter. For example: Is it to grow sales? Are you wanting to let people know about upcoming events? Would you like to build brand awareness through the marketing content you'd like to use? You'll also want to figure out how often you'd like to send out a newsletter. Once every two weeks? Once a month? Four times a year? For example, at Shear Madness Haircuts for Kids, we've developed our newsletter to communicate the fun energy surrounding our brand, as well as share about upcoming events being held at their local Shear Madness. We also have chosen to send out our newsletter once a month, so that we don't inundate our customers with too much marketing.
2. Utilizing Creative Email Subject Lines: Try to give your customers an incentive to immediately open the e-mail, and see what they might be missing out on. If you need a little help, try to look at what influences you to open emails. Sometimes asking a question in an email subject line might prompt curiosity, such as, "What's Our Big Secret? See our Newsletter!". Other times, using exciting language might be a good option. Something like, "Wow! Our Newsletter is RED-HOT!" Make sure that your subject line isn't too long that it all can't be seen when scanning through email subjects.
3. Delivering Educational Content: It's important when writing a newsletter to utilize a little creative marketing when coming up with fun and educational content. This will give your subscribers a reason to come back to your newsletter each time you send it out. While you'll certainly want to share about what your business is doing in regards to upcoming sales and special events, don't overwhelm with too much sales-related information. As for the fun or educational content that you'll want to include in your newsletter, some ideas might include a funny joke, an inspiring personal testimony from a customer, a silly photograph of something going on in your store, a link to a children's color page, or a fun craft and nice recipe. Be creative!
4. Utilize Great Design: If you're really wanting to develop a newsletter that engages your customers, you'll also want to be sure to utilize some great graphic design. Develop a nice looking newsletter header that possibly includes your logo, the name of the newsletter featured prominently, and an attractive header background that could change with holidays or different seasons. Within the newsletter itself, use graphics and photos (sized for web usage) to draw attention to the various sections within a newsletter. And lastly, be sure to stick with standard fonts in your newsletter - don't use anything too crazy. And if you must use different colored fonts, go with a theme for each newsletter and stick with around two easy to see colors that are used for standout text.
Would you like to sign up for our Monthly newsletter? If so, click HERE!
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