Growing Your Small Business

Written by Jim Otto

Running your own small business can be a difficult, yet extremely rewarding time in your life. Not only does it take being able to understand market demands, but it also means having a small business plan (a process and product in place) that will support the business, as well as provide an income for the owner. While many potential small business owners may have a great idea for a business, business growth and long-term success requires being able to be focused, disciplined and at times - an out-of-the-box thinker! Below are some of the essentials that can help your small business build success.

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Effective Franchisee Support

Written by Jim Otto

Like any relationship, the relationship between franchisees and franchisors depends a lot on trust and goodwill. Following are some of the key areas that Shear Madness Haircuts for Kids has focused on in building trust and nourishing success for our valued franchisees!

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